The Role Of Red Wine In Stroke Prevention

The Role Of Red Wine In Stroke Prevention

A stroke is a medical emergency in which blood flow to the brain stops. This brain attack can be prevented by taking about two glasses of red wine per day. Various research show that the people who drink a couple of glasses of wine a week, live longer than people who don’t. Red wine is also a great stress reliever.

U.S. Researchers have found that red wine works effectively to protect brain damage after fit or stroke. Drinking red wine in moderate proportions may help a lot to prevent such damages on a long run.

According to Reuters, the scientists of John Hopkins University have done studies on mouse models. From the study it has been found that resveratrol, a component which is found in the seeds and grape skin, can help in preventing stroke.

Red wine contains approximately 5 mg/L of resveratrol. The study showed that resveratrol increases enzyme level in brain to protect the damage of nerve cells. The results show that the animals had less damage in brains rather than mice that had not been given resveratrol.

.According to research done by Dore, it has been found that the red wine turns on heme oxygenase anti-oxidant system, if taken in moderate amount. It was also discovered that there was a decrease of about 40 percent in the damage of stroke.

From research done, he and his team presented results to US government in Atlanta. He also said that the uniqueness about his study is to build the cell resistance by preventing the damage in brain and finding the benefits of red wine for good health.

Dore also said that red wine proves to be very much helpful for the prevention of heart troubles also along with the pre-treatment as well as the stroke prevention. But wine must be taken at prophylactic usage to attain the real benefit.

During the process of fermentation for making wine, the amount of resveratrol increases.

But still, the research is going on to translate the observations on mice to humans. Still it has not been perfectly proven that red wine provides protective effect against the stroke in humans.

Thus, about two glasses in a day should be taken in order to consume the required amount of resveratrol, which will help to prevent the stroke. But hey remember one more thing; the amount differs from person to person all depending on individuals’ weight.