Delving into an Underwater Photography Adventure
As years go by, the world of photography continues to reinvent itself along with the changes in technology. Its pillars continue to come up with better sets of equipment like cameras and constantly come up with new methods and strategies to produce better photograph.
Along with these changes is the emergence of modern photography method that enables man to reach and rediscover the beauty of uncharted territories like the ocean floor. This is called “underwater photography.”
As the term suggests, underwater photography refers to the kind of photography that is done or taken under water. This is quite a breakthrough in the world of photography because underwater lovers such as divers and scuba divers because they can now take photos under the sea and share it with others with the use of modern equipment that can actually work well down under.
Aside from possessing the love and passion for the water and the creatures under, reliable equipment such as an underwater camera is the key factor for successful underwater photography. If you’re a diver who is not so much into underwater photography, you can now purchase disposable underwater cameras just to take photos. But if you would want to pursue a career in underwater photography, you will need much complicated equipment and gadgets.
The first thing you should consider is the camera to be used. In underwater photography, two kinds are usually used: the underwater or waterproof camera and the encased camera that has housing to protect the camera inside. Aside from camera, you should also take time to research and canvass what is the best lens, film, and flash you can use during your shoot.
Aside from the major technicalities and equipment, you should also consider several environmental factors that will greatly affect the quality of your underwater photos such as depth of water and transparency of water, available light, the angle of the sunlight on the top of the water, the backscatter, and the magnifying effect of water.
Here are some additional musts before you dive and click that shutter button:
1. Good or at least average diving skills. In order to be fully prepared for an underwater shoot, the underwater photographer should also possess good diving skills to be comfortable in taking photos.
2. An experienced underwater buddy. This person can serve as your model and can even help you carry your equipment and gear, hold the lights down under, and can even share the momentous experience.
3. Good managing skills?in managing resources, that is. You should learn to manage vital resources such as dive time, body heat, air, battery life, and the like in order to endure the physical strains under water.
4. Reliable camera housing. If you don’t have waterproof cameras, better look for a reliable camera housing so you wouldn’t put your investment to waste.
5.Gain expedition skills. Since your photo shoot will include exploration of different places under water, you will need to have great expedition skills to make the trip worthwhile.
6. Expect and hope for better chances. Since Lady Luck doesn’t smile at everybody, you should learn to prevent unavoidable circumstances by asking those who tried underwater photography before and learn from their experiences.
7. Take time to assess the weather. Overall weather condition, the waves, and visibility greatly affect and influence your underwater shoot. Make sure that you are ready to face these problems when they occur during the shoot unexpectedly.