Meditation Retreat: Some Common Healing Places in California

By , in Meditation.

A quiet room is the typical place to meditate. There are instances, however that you need to temporarily move out of your usual meditation place and find solace on some other place such as retreat areas. Retreat centers for meditation are established in order to provide a quiet and relaxing place to profoundly contemplate which is not usually achieved within the corners of a quiet room.

There are several retreat areas for meditation in California to choose from.

Institute for Internal Transformation

San Francisco, California is the home for this meditation retreat center. Its primary goal is to provide a participant to have a transformed health and well-being after staying in the center.

The activities undertaken aim to boost one’s mental, emotional, physical and spiritual life by means of meditation, proper breathing, apt movement, position of the body, awareness and most importantly relaxation.

Aside from being a meditation area, the place is also good to treat certain illnesses. It is also a place where you may find the answers to your question on the purpose and direction of your life. Additionally, “Qigong” education is also being taught.

Esalen Institute

It was on the seventies that Esalen Institute has been established in Big Sur, California. The place is built to provide tranquility, love, and self-consciousness to anyone who wishes to visit it.

For meditation, there is a special center which you can meditate twenty-four hours a day and seven days a week.

Circles of Air and Stones

Those who look for their innate being in nature may find the answer in the Circles of Air and Stones in Vermont, California.

“Vision Quests” is the chief program of the said center wherein participants are to run through a four day quest alone. Before the quest, you will be oriented on the tasks to be undertaken. Other aids for meditation are the centers activity called “Adventures of the Spirit” where it aims to create a triumphant and significant channel of an individual’s living.

Ananda Meditation Retreat

Nevada City, California houses the said retreat center.

There are two meditation programs to participate in while you are in retreat:

1. Kriya Yoga Meditation ? this is a process of contemplation to realize the essence of God.

2. Ashram Program ? this is a process where you have to carry out real spiritual experience by living the way it should be.

The center also offer personal retreats such as (1) Personal Meditation Instruction; (2) Directed Seclusion; (3) Massage; and (4) Some Alternative Healing.

Saratoga Springs

Saratoga Springs can be found at Upper Lake, California. The center aims to provide individuals who wish to meditate a secured place so that they may be able to follow their path and most importantly cultivate their mind, body and soul.

The center gives private meditation retreats separately for men and women.

Sometimes it is best to move out of your own sanctuary and be in a place where you can find new solace. By doing so, you are able to explore yourself in a new location.