Mutual Funds Rating Myths
Before, future investors take a dive on one of the thousands mutual funds, it is always best if they would know the system of the industry. This includes how much one fund would cost, how well a certain mutual fund would fair, and how good one mutual fund is. This would give investors enough idea on the type of mutual fund they are going to take. And to know this all, the mutual funds rating serves as the best tool.
Many financial magazines like Forbes, Worth, and Money, and several subscription newsletters like Lipper and Morningstar provide significant details and information about several mutual funds in circulation. These sources give advices on selecting a particular mutual fund through their mutual fund rating. The mutual funds are rated, ranked, and compared to get the best, average, and not so good performers on a given period of time. However, there are problems with these. The following are mutual fund rating myths that would somehow help you the next time you consult mutual funds rating providers.
1. Mutual funds rating never have concrete evidences that those funds performing well in the past and in the present will perform well in the future. Try to observe the trend of mutual funds that could also be seen on mutual funds rating. Compare the top performers of last year to the top performers of this year. You would realize that not a single name could be found on both years. In short, past performances never guarantee the future results.
2. Mutual fund rating could never be a credible source of future investments. This is true since mutual funds rating only operate on the past and present data. And the past and the present have no relation whatsoever on the outcome of the mutual funds.
3. Mutual funds rating would not help investors to know if they would experience price fluctuations and loses. Mutual funds rating would not even give any idea if a selected mutual fund would remain on top or at the bottom.
4. Finally, the basis of mutual funds rating is not in any way advisable to take if investors would want to have a good and worthwhile investment. And although mutual funds rating would give projections and trend of a mutual fund, it can never be considered as prediction.
Knowing all these, investors and future investors should not rely their decision on mutual funds rating whether or not to invest on a particular fund that is being suggested.