Potty Training Chart

Are you the parent of a child who is at the age of using diapers no more? Are you desperate that you cannot get your child into the habit of using the potty to pee-pee and poo-poo? Well, do not worry about it so much as there are many ways to convince even the most stubborn child to do it the proper way. Among these existing methods and techniques, there is also the potty training chart which can really help. A lot of moms and dads keep sharing their experiences and successes regarding the use of a potty training chart with their children.

Just search the internet and you will be amazed at the huge amount of information regarding the potty training chart method of teaching children to go pee-pee or poo-poo in the potty. As a matter of fact, the use of a chart is not restricted to the potty training chart method. Child psychology suggests the use of charts in teaching and training children of all ages, as well as in developing or correcting and improving behavior.

The problem with the potty training chart method is that it takes a lot of commitment, consistency and patience on your part in order to use the stickers and charts effectively, that is to be able to reach you set goal. Unless you feel your child needs this extra encouragement and incentive, it is not necessary to resort to the method of potty training chart.

But if you find out the child still resists, try the potty training chart and you might discover that it works really fast. With the potty training chart you will make your child proud of his/her achievement in giving up nappies and actually doing what big boys and big girls do ? pee-pee and poo-poo in the potty.

If you decide to use the potty training chart method make sure you establish a set of clear guidelines that all your family know of and apply. It might be a good idea to take small steps in training your child. I mean in the beginning just give the child stickers for things like successfully putting his doll or teddy bear on the potty. Then continue with the child himself sitting on the potty and doing the thing.

In the potty training chart method you have to make sure the child understands what the sticker he/she receives is for. As children are different, just like adults, it might take different approaches to train the child. Therefore, if the potty training chart method does not work, you should find another way to do the job.
How is this potty training chart method used?

Technically speaking it is very simple. First you need the potty training chart which you can either create yourself or download and print out. There are lots of printable potty training charts. Then, every time your child goes pee-pee or poo-poo put a sticker in a square on that day of the week. Then an important part of the potty training chart method is to place a special sticker or star on the chart, when you reach the final square.

On this occasion you should treat the child in a special way. In conclusion the potty training chart method is a motivational tool through which you can keep track of the child’s progress.