Spider Bites
Though most people fear spider bites because of the nasty symptoms associated with them, sometimes there is nothing to worry about, as a small skin wound is no threat for one’s health. Not all spider bites are dangerous, since the majority of spider species are totally harmless for humans; with the exception of a few venomous ones, the rest are pretty safe.
When a spider bites you, the first thing to do is trying to identify the species, if it be possible; knowing what type of spider bit you may be crucial in case an anti-venom has to be used. Superficial spider bites can only cause a skin rash and some itching: nothing more. The remedy for such cases is pretty much at hand: cold water and aloe ointments could alleviate the irritating sensation.
People who live in geographical areas that represent the habitat of venomous species tend to learn how to recognize the dangerous specimens and thus avoid coming into contact with them. The treatment for special spider bites can only be provided in professional medical institutions since the risk the victim faces in most such cases is necrosis.
What is the first aid procedure in case of spider bites? It all depends on the body part where you’ve been bitten; when the spider bites occur on the arm or the leg, tie a bandage right above the bite so as to prevent the spreading of the venom. Nevertheless, too tight a bandage may affect the correct blood flow in the area. A cold cloth pressed on the wound will reduced the swelling and the redness associated with spider bites in general.
The immediate drug treatment of risky spider bites usually includes the administration of an anti-venom based on corticosteroids. The administration of specific medication can only be done by authorized medical personal and when the circumstances indicate a toxic venom exposure. Contact a health care provider immediately if you’ve been bitten by a spider and you experience fever, nausea, swelling of the tissues and severe pain.
The severity of spider bites is determined according not only to the species to which the aggressor belongs, but to the amount of venom that is injected by the spider. Thus, when a spider is trying to subdue its prey, the venom amount depends on the size of its meal, whereas, in a defensive venom release, the spider will do anything to protect itself and its nest.
The latter type of spider bites are therefore a lot more serious than the former.