Spider Identification

By , in Spiders.

Spider identification is no easy thing to do particularly if you lack experience and the scientific information that allow one to perform a correct classification. The most common way to perform the identification at a very amateurish level is to actually compare a specimen with a picture or a drawing and see whether there is a match.

The important thing about spider identification is to actually be able to tell the poisonous spiders from the non-poisonous ones. Fortunately, the latter are far more numerous than the former, as poisonous spiders are spread only in certain globe areas, and sometimes they have warning features that sets them apart.

In North America for instance, poisonous spider identification is a thumb rule for anyone living close to such creatures; there are not too many species of the kind, hence, once you learn how to set them apart you can relax and feel a lot safer. House species are the first to require proper spider identification since they are the first we come into contact with, and, on certain occasions, it is pretty difficulty to tell them apart. This is the case with the house spider, the giant house spider and the hobo spider; they all live indoors, but only the latter is a real threat to humans, since its bite can cause necrosis.

In order to avoid direct contact with spiders indoors, you can use special sticky traps that will drastically lower the risk of being bitten by a venomous species. For such cases spider identification is not necessary; but we cannot say the same thing about the widow spiders that require the immediate use of an anti-venom. Therefore, spider identification can be crucial when you need to be able to apply the right treatment without any further delay. Spiders that live outdoors are more difficult to identify due to the large number of species both harmful and venomous.

All in all, spider identification serves not only to the scientist but to the average person who either takes a great interest in the various spider species or who’d like to avoid risky exposures and eventual bites. Protection measures need to be taken when working outside in areas where poisonous species live; thus, make sure you wear special gloves particularly if you spend some time around debris piles and wood piles for instance.

Such crawl spaces are the favorite habitat of widow spiders for instance, and their threat should by no means be ignored or taken lightly.